Accounting and auditing services

TAF Viet is committed to bringing customers the highest value through perfect service and constantly improving quality.

Audited financial statements


Quality, reputable financial statement auditing service with a team of leaders and staff with many years of experience in the fields of Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation.

Review financial records

Check financial reports, accounting books, especially tax-related issues of the business; Consulting on error correction to minimize tax risks; Work on behalf of the business and interpret data for the Tax Office.

Consulting on preparing Affiliate Transaction Report

Consulting businesses to develop documents to determine associated transaction prices in compliance with the provisions of Decree 20/2017/ND-CP on tax management for businesses with associated transactions.

Labor & Wage Consulting

Social insurance registration procedures are still complicated, the required documents and forms cause difficulties for many businesses. With experience in implementing social insurance registration for more than 500 customers, TPM Tax Agent respectfully sends insurance registration service packages.

Restructuring consulting

Analyze and advise on re-establishing operational processes to achieve optimal efficiency and in accordance with the business situation of the enterprise such as: purchasing process, inventory management, human resource management, Accounting system. Accounting and reporting…

Finalization of Personal Income Tax

Personal income tax declaration for individuals with income from salaries or wages must declare personal income tax directly with the tax authority.

Refund of value added tax

Tax refund is a need of businesses when they have a large amount of input VAT and are eligible for tax refund to meet the capital needs of the business.

Establishing a business

More than 5 years of experience providing Business Establishment services (Company Establishment). More than anyone else, we understand that you need the most clarity and cost savings.

About us

TAF Viet Company is one of the leading organizations with high reputation and professionalism in the field of providing tax agency, accounting and auditing services. Established in 2010, we are proud to be a group of experts with a solid foundation in the field of tax and accounting, with many years of experience and excellent reputation in many industries such as commerce, manufacturing, construction. , services, health and education. .

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pile of printing papers

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Văn phòng của chúng tôi

26 Lê Đại Hành
Hà Nội, 100000, Vietnam

Giờ làm việc
Thứ Hai - Thứ Sáu
8 giờ sáng - 6 giờ chiều

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